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AppleWorks Document  |  1993-05-06  |  1KB  |  20 lines

  1. O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===
  2. The Executive Office:
  3.   President Bill Clinton      |     Vice-President Al GoreB
  4.   The White House             |     Office of the Vice-PresidentC
  5.   1600 Pennsylvania Av. NW    |     Old Executive Office Building;
  6.   Washington, DC  20500       |     Washington, DC  20501
  7. For both:  202-456-1414
  8. ____________________________________________________________________
  9. 1993 U.S. House of Representatives
  10.                         *
  11. TO CONTACT:   Congressperson ___________(
  12.               House of Representatives
  13.               The Capitol%
  14.               Washington, DC  20515
  15. *************************************************************
  16. 1993 U.S. Senate
  17. TO CONTACT:   Senator ___________$
  18.               United States Senate%
  19.               Washington, DC  20510